GLTEN Metadata Portal

The GLTEN is network of long-term agricultural experiments and associated researchers spanning six continents and representing a range of climates, environments, crop systems and farming practices.

The GLTEN Metadata Portal lets you discover long-term agricultural experiments from around the globe.

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NameLast edited
209 5 years ago
AICRP-LTFE Akola 3 years ago
AICRP-LTFE Bangalore 3 years ago
AICRP-LTFE Barrackpore 2 years ago
AICRP-LTFE Coimbatore 2 years ago
AICRP-LTFE Jabalpur 2 years ago
AICRP-LTFE Jagtial 3 years ago
AICRP-LTFE Junagadh 3 years ago
AICRP-LTFE Ludhiana 3 years ago
AICRP-LTFE New Dehli 3 years ago
AICRP-LTFE Palampur 3 years ago
AICRP-LTFE Pantnagar 3 years ago
AICRP-LTFE Parbhani 3 years ago
AICRP-LTFE Pattambi 3 years ago
AICRP-LTFE Raipur 3 years ago
AICRP-LTFE Ranchi 3 years ago
AICRP-LTFE Udaipur 3 years ago
Acid Strip 2 years ago
Agdell 2 years ago
Alley crop system with leguminous tree of high and low quality of biomass replace slash-and burn system and humid tropic 4 years ago
Alternate Wheat and Fallow 2 years ago
Aludeka SOM trial Kenya 5 years ago
Apelsvoll Cropping System Experiment (APSE) 2 years ago
Askov Long-Term Experiments on Animal Manure and Mineral Fertilizers - Lermarken 3 years ago
Askov Long-Term Experiments on Animal Manure and Mineral Fertilizers - Sandmarken 3 years ago
BNF (Biological Nitrogen Fixation) Giessen 3 years ago
BT1 Long-term Sugarcane Trial 3 years ago
Bahtim Permanent fertilization experiment 3 years ago
Barnfield 2 years ago
Beet rotations of Russian Central Chernozem Zone LTE 3 years ago
Breton Plots - Classical Plots 3 years ago
Breton Plots - Hendrigan Plots 3 years ago
Broadbalk a month ago
Broadbalk Wilderness 9 months ago
CRUCIAL Field Trial 5 years ago
Centre for Sustainable Cropping 4 years ago
Century Experiment 2 years ago
Chertsey Establishment Trial 3 years ago
China LTFE Network - Beibei 3 years ago
China LTFE Network - Changping 3 years ago
China LTFE Network - Gongzhuling 3 years ago
China LTFE Network - Qiyang 2 years ago
China LTFE Network - Wulumuqi 3 years ago
China LTFE Network - Yangling 3 years ago
China LTFE Network - Zhejiang 3 years ago
China LTFE Network - Zhengzhou a year ago
Chitedze Research Station Conservation Agriculture Long-term Trial 2 years ago
Comparison among production systems (Pergamino - Argentina) 3 years ago
Compost and mineral nitrogen fertilizer - Ivory Coast a year ago
Conservation agriculture experiment for the low altitude areas in Malawi 5 years ago
Contaminated sludge cake experiment a month ago
Controlled drainage - Gärds Köpinge, Skåne county a year ago
Cover crops in Agricultural sequences (Pergamino - Argentina) 3 years ago
Cover crops in Agricultural sequences (Saenz Peña - Argentina) 3 years ago
Cover crops in soybean-soybean sequences (Gral Villegas - Argentina) 3 years ago
Crop Management and Sequences (Marcos Juarez - Argentina) 3 years ago
Crop Rotations under No-tillage (Barrow - Argentina) 3 years ago
Crop rotation and fertilisation trial, Kuusiku 3 years ago
Crop rotation and fertilizer application experiment 3 years ago
Crop rotation with different cropping strategies 2 years ago
Crop rotations experiment (Barrow - Argentina) 3 years ago
Crop rotations in wheat based systems in SO Buenos Aires (Bordenave - Argentina) 3 years ago
Crop rotations under different tillage systems (Barrow - Argentina) 3 years ago
Crop rotations with and without ley - Lanna 2 years ago
Crop rotations with and without ley - Stenstugu 3 years ago
Crop rotations with and without ley - Säby 3 years ago
Crop sequences and Tillage systems in North Buenos Aires (Pergamino - Argentina) 3 years ago
Crop sequences in SE Cordoba (Marcos Juarez - Argentina) 3 years ago
Crop sequences in Typical and Thaptoargic Hapludolls (Gral Villegas - Argentina) 3 years ago
Crop sequences under no tillage in SW Chaco (Las Breñas -Argentina) 3 years ago
Cropping sequences in the semiarid region of Argentina (Manfredi - Argentina) 2 years ago
Cropping systems under no tillage in soils degraded by intensive agricultural use (Pergamino, Argentina) 3 years ago
Cullars Rotation 3 years ago
D2 Integrated Soil Fertility Management 5 years ago
D5 5 years ago
DOK-Trial 3 years ago
Dolgoprudnuy Agrochemical Experiment Station: Efficiency of ballast and concentrated forms of mineral fertilizers 3 years ago
Domboshawa Training Centre Conservation Agriculture Long-term Trial 3 years ago
Duengungs-Kombinationsversuch Seehausen (Combination trial) 3 years ago
EMBU SOM Trial 3 years ago
Effect of long-term application of organic, mineral and limestone fertilizers 9 months ago
Effect of long-term burning frequency on vegetation and soil in semi-arid savannas of Africa 5 years ago
Effect of main types and combination of fertilizers on crop rotation - Lutsk 2 years ago
Elora Long-term Rotation and Tillage Trial 3 years ago
Eternal Rye a year ago
Exhaustion Land a year ago
Experiment 222: Long-Term Application of N, P, and K in Continuous Winter Wheat 3 years ago
Experiment 406: Wheat Grain Yield Response to Nitrogen, Phosphorus and Potassium Fertilization under Irrigation 3 years ago
Experiment 407: Wheat Grain Yield Response to Nitrogen, Phosphorus and Potassium Fertilization (Dryland) 3 years ago
Experiment 502: Wheat Grain Yield Response to Nitrogen, Phosphorus and Potassium Fertilization 3 years ago
Extended untilled field margins with sown plants and bushes 10 months ago
Extended untilled field margins with sown plants and bushes 10 months ago
Extended untilled field margins with sown plants and bushes 10 months ago
Fanaye Long-Term Fertility Experiment 3 years ago
Fertilization strategies in Hapludol soils in MW Buenos Aires (Pergamino - Argentina) 3 years ago
Fertilization strategies with phosphorus, nitrogen and sulfur in an agricultural rotation under no tillage (Pergamino, Argentina) 3 years ago
Field lab Broddbo - Grass trial on peatsoil 2 years ago
Field lab Broddbo - Lime trial on peat soil 2 years ago
Field lab Broddbo - Sand trial on peat soil 2 years ago
Fosters Ley Arable a year ago
Frick Long-term Experiment 3 years ago
Garden Clover 2 years ago
Geescroft Wilderness 2 years ago
Glen Innes Rotation Experiment 3 years ago
Glenlea long-term crop rotation study 3 years ago
Global Change Experimental Facility 2 years ago
Grakov Long-term fertilization experiment 2 years ago
Henderson Research Station Conservation Agriculture Long-Term trial 5 years ago
Hengyang long-term rice green manuring experiment 2 years ago
Hermitage Winter Crop Tillage Trial 3 years ago
Highfield Bare Fallow 2 years ago
Highfield Conversion Experiment 2 years ago
Highfield Ley Arable a year ago
Hoosfield Barley 2 years ago
Hoytville Long-term Tillage Experiment 3 years ago
Hungarian long-term fertilizer experimental network, Iregszemcse 3 years ago
Hungarian long-term fertilizer experimental network, Biscerd 3 years ago
Hungarian long-term fertilizer experimental network, Hajduboszormeny 3 years ago
Hungarian long-term fertilizer experimental network, Karcag 3 years ago
Hungarian long-term fertilizer experimental network, Keszthely 3 years ago
Hungarian long-term fertilizer experimental network, Kompolt 3 years ago
Hungarian long-term fertilizer experimental network, Mosomnagyarovar 3 years ago
Hungarian long-term fertilizer experimental network, Nagyhorcsok 3 years ago
Hungarian long-term fertilizer experimental network, Putnok 3 years ago
IOSDV Crop Rotation Rauischholzhausen 3 years ago
IOSDV Rauischholzhausen LTE 3 years ago
IOSDV – International organic nitrogen long-term fertilization experiment, Keszthely 3 years ago
IRRI Long-term Continuous Cropping Experiment 3 years ago
Indiana Long-term Tillage and Rotation Experiment 3 years ago
Innovative cropping systems under extreme rainfall events - Zimbabwe 2 years ago
Jablje IOSDV Long-term Fertilizer Experiment 2 years ago
K Pierroton-France 5 years ago
Knorr-Holden Plots 3 years ago
L28 - Effect of N-fertilization by different organic fertilization - Bad Salzungen 3 years ago
L28 - Effect of N-fertilization by different organic fertilization - Methau 3 years ago
L28 - Effect of N-fertilization by different organic fertilization - Sproeda 3 years ago
LTFE V140 Long-term experiment of manure treatments 2 years ago
Laelatu wooded meadow fertilisation experiment 2 years ago
Land uses in petrocalcic Paleustolls (Anguil - Argentina) 3 years ago
Langgewens Long term crop rotation trials 3 years ago
Lelystad Phosphate Trial 3 years ago
Lenk Ranch, Land Use Change: Forest-to-pasture in a Chronosequence 5 years ago
Lethbridge ABC Rotation 3 years ago
Lime and phosphorus, R3-1001-1936 a year ago
Lime and phosphorus, R3-1001-1941 a year ago
Livestock/Agriculture sequences in Central Santa Fe (Rafaela - Argentina) 3 years ago
Living Field Laboratory 5 years ago
Long term experiment with no tillage and conventional tillage 5 years ago
Long term research on conservation agriculture (CA) in rice-wheat systems 5 years ago
Long-Term Contrasting Tillage in Cambisol 2 years ago
Long-Term Trail about liming and No-tillage for Sugarcane crop System 5 years ago
Long-term Ecology Trial, Lincoln University 5 years ago
Long-term Experiment - Wuwei 2 years ago
Long-term Fertilizer Experiment - Xuzhou 2 years ago
Long-term Miscanthus Experiment 2 years ago
Long-term Nutrient Management Experiment ISAS-UT 3 years ago
Long-term PFM and fertilizer field experiment 2 years ago
Long-term Pesticide Free Production Study 3 years ago
Long-term Phosphorous Experiment - Auzeville 2 years ago
Long-term Phosphorus Experiment - Freising 2 years ago
Long-term Rice Paddy Fertilizer Experiment 3 years ago
Long-term Straw Experiment - Heihe 3 years ago
Long-term Tillage Experiment 2 years ago
Long-term Tillage Experiment, Texas A&M 3 years ago
Long-term and short-term strategies for for soil quality - Langgewens 3 years ago
Long-term and short-term strategies for for soil quality - Tygerhoek 3 years ago
Long-term cover crop and no tillage experiment 2 years ago
Long-term ecological research at Kellogg Biological Station 5 years ago
Long-term effect of farmyard manure and N on yield of pearl millet-wheat cropping sequence. 3 years ago
Long-term experiment Dikopshof 2 years ago
Long-term fertilizer experiment - Hausjarvi 2 years ago
Long-term nutrient management experiment - Solapur 2 years ago
Long-term residue management experiment 2 years ago
Long-term slurry experiment at Hillsborough 3 years ago
Long-term static fertilization - Skierniewice 3 years ago
Long-term sugar beet experiment 2 years ago
Long-term tillage and cover crop experiment 2 years ago
Long-term tillage and fertilizer experiment - Zaragoza 2 years ago
Long-term tillage and residue management experiment - 2 years ago
Long-term tillage experiment - Józsefmajor 2 years ago
Long-term-Conservation Agriculture Trial Msekera Research Station 2 years ago
Longterm system comparision trials in tropics (SysCOM) India a year ago
Long−term agroecosystem research in dryland farming 2 years ago
Machanga SOM trial Kenya 5 years ago
Magruder Plots 3 years ago
Maize and winter wheat in monocultures and rotation 2 years ago
Maize/Maize under different tillage systems (Marcos Juarez - Argentina) 3 years ago
Mango Orchard Agroecosystems 3 years ago
Marsden Long-Term Rotation Study a year ago
Mediterranean Arable Systems COmparison Trial (MASCOT) 3 years ago
Metal Amended Liquid Sludge Experiment a month ago
Metal Salts Experiment a month ago
Mixed rotations and tillage in SE Buenos Aires (Balcarce - Argentina) 3 years ago
MoLTE - Montepaldi Long Term Experiment 3 years ago
Monze FTC CA LT trial 5 years ago
Morrow Plots 3 years ago
Moškanjci Long-term Tillage Field Trial 3 years ago
Ndiaye Long-term Fertility Experiment 3 years ago
Nitrogen fertilization in continuous maize (Parana - Argentina) 3 years ago
No-tillage and crop rotations for regions with water deficit 4 years ago
Nova Vida Ranch, Land Use Change: Forest-to-pasture chronosequence 5 years ago
Nutrient leaching - Strategies for cover crops in southern Sweden, R0-0701 a year ago
Nutrient leaching from a cereal crop rotation with cover crops, autumn and spring tillage, R0-8410 a year ago
Nutrient leaching from a cereal crop rotation with pig slurry and cover crops, R0-8403 a year ago
Nutrient leaching from conventional cropping system with livestock, Mellby, R0-0407 a year ago
Nutrient leaching from conventional tillage, no-till and permanent grass, R0-8419 a year ago
Nutrient leaching from organic cropping systems with livestock, R0-0047 a year ago
Nutrient leaching from organic cropping systems with livestock, R0-0647 a year ago
Nutrient leaching from organic cropping systems without livestock, R0-0447 a year ago
Nutrient leaching from organic cropping systems without livestock, R0-0747 a year ago
Nutrient reposition and Sequences in soybean based rotations (Balcarce - Argentina) 3 years ago
Nutrient reposition and Sequences in soybean based rotations (Marcos Juarez - Argentina) 3 years ago
Nutrient reposition and Sequences in soybean based rotations (Parana, Argentina) 3 years ago
Nutrient reposition and sequences in soybean based rotations (Gral Villegas - Argentina) 3 years ago
Old Permanent Manurial Trial 3 years ago
Organic arable farming experiment Gladbacherhof (OAFEG) 3 years ago
Osiny Long-term Field Experiment 3 years ago
P11 - Organic and mineral fertilizers 3 years ago
P24A - Organic and mineral fertilizers 3 years ago
P29C - Tillage experiment 3 years ago
Palace Leas Meadow Hay Plots 3 years ago
Park Grass 2 years ago
Pearl millet-wheat cropping system long-term experiment 2 years ago
Penaut in Conservation Soil Managements 5 years ago
Pendleton Continuous Cereals 3 years ago
Pendleton No-till Wheat Experiment 3 years ago
Pendleton Perennial Grassland 3 years ago
Pendleton Residue Management Experiment 3 years ago
Pendleton Tillage-Fertility Experiment 2 years ago
Pendleton Wheat-Pea Rotation Experiment 3 years ago
Permanent Topdressing Experiment 3 years ago
Permanent liming, R3-1002, Röbäcksdalen a year ago
Phosphorus fertilization in Vertisols and Argiudols (Parana - Argentina) 3 years ago
Phosphorus fertilization strategies in an agricultural sequences in Western Buenos Aires (Gral Villegas - Argentina) 3 years ago
Piquia Ranch, Land Use Change: Forest-to-pasture chronosequence. 5 years ago
Poltava Continuous Winter Rye 2 years ago
Potassium Long-term Field Experiment 2 years ago
Prague-Ruzyně Long-term Fertilizer Experiment 3 years ago
QualiAgro 2 years ago
Rancharia Forest-to-pasture Chronosequence 5 years ago
Rice-Upland Crop Rotation Experiment (RUCRE) 3 years ago
Ridgetown Long-term Rotation and Tillage Trial a year ago
Rostock Long-term Fertilizer Experiment 2 years ago
Rotaciones Agrícolas Ganaderas UEPP 5 years ago
Rotation 120 – Lethbridge 3 years ago
Rothamsted Amounts of Straw a year ago
Rothamsted Continuous Maize 2 years ago
Rothamsted Long-term Liming Experiment a year ago
Rowden Plots 4 years ago
Runoff plots (Parana - Argentina) 3 years ago
SACC - Sustainable Agriculture & Climate Change Experiment a year ago
SARIA I: The effect of rotation and organic/mineral input on Sorghum yield and soil fertility 3 years ago
SARIA II: The effect of four types of organic amendments on Sorghum yield 3 years ago
SARIA III: The effect of tillage on soil fertility 3 years ago
SCRIME (Sustainable Cropping Rotations In Mediterranean Environments) 5 years ago
SRUC Tulloch Organic Rotations 3 years ago
SRUC Woodlands Field pH plots 3 years ago
SRUC Woodlands Old Rotation 3 years ago
Sanborn Field 3 years ago
Saxmundham Rotation I a year ago
Saxmundham Rotation II a year ago
Sequences, tillage and soil management practices in mixed systems of NE Santa Fe (Reconquista - Argentina) 3 years ago
Sewage sludge compost long-term experiment 7 months ago
Shchemyslitsa Farm Long-term Experiment 3 years ago
Sidada SOM trial kenya 5 years ago
Soil Tillage Experiment Schlatthof (Aesch Trial) 3 years ago
Soil fertility in northern Sweden, R3-2037, Offer a year ago
Soil fertility in northern Sweden, R3-2037, Röbäcksdalen a year ago
Soil organic matter in a cereal only cropping system, R3-0020, Lanna a year ago
Soil organic matter in a cereal only cropping system, R3-0020, Lönnstorp a year ago
Soil organic matter in a cereal only cropping system, R3-0020, Röbäcksdalen a year ago
Soil organic matter in a cereal only cropping system, R3-0020, Säby a year ago
Soil organic matter in a mixed ley cropping system, R3-0021, Lanna a year ago
Soil organic matter in a mixed ley cropping system, R3-0021, Lönnstorp a year ago
Soil organic matter in a mixed ley cropping system, R3-0021, Röbäcksdalen a year ago
Soil organic matter in a mixed ley cropping system, R3-0021, Säby a year ago
Source P and cover crops in Dois Vizinhos, south of Brazil 2 years ago
Soybean/Soybean under different tillage systems (Marcos Juarez - Argentina) 3 years ago
Spring cereals in monoculture 2 years ago
Static Soil Use Experiment Berlin-Dahlem 3 years ago
Subsurface drainage design a year ago
Surface application of lime and phosphogypsum in a tropical no-tillage system a year ago
Surface lime and silicate in crop production systems a year ago
Sustainability Trial for Arable Rotations a year ago
Sustainable Agriculture Intensification in Southern Pampas (Balcarce - Argentina) 3 years ago
Sustainable Agriculture Intensification in a Molisol soil (Parana -Argentina) 3 years ago
Sustainable Agriculture Intensification in a Vertisol soil (Parana - Argentina) 3 years ago
Sustainable Agriculture Intensification in the Pampas of Argentina (Oliveros - Argentina) 3 years ago
Swift Current Old Rotation Study 3 years ago
SysCom Bolivia 3 years ago
SysCom Kenya - Chuka 2 years ago
SysCom Kenya - Thika 2 years ago
The Admont Grassland Experiment 3 years ago
The Dourados Experiment: Integrated crop-livestock System 4 years ago
The Long Term Nutrient Depletion Trial 3 years ago
The Swedish long-term soil fertility experiment , R3-9001, Bjertorp a year ago
The Swedish long-term soil fertility experiment , R3-9001, Fjärdingslöv a year ago
The Swedish long-term soil fertility experiment , R3-9001, Fors a year ago
The Swedish long-term soil fertility experiment , R3-9001, Kungsängen a year ago
The Swedish long-term soil fertility experiment , R3-9001, Vreta Kloster a year ago
The Swedish long-term soil fertility experiment - Högåsa a year ago
The Swedish long-term soil fertility experiment, R3-9001, Borgeby (Örja) a year ago
The Swedish long-term soil fertility experiment, R3-9001, Ekebo a year ago
The Swedish long-term soil fertility experiment, R3-9001, Orup a year ago
The frame trial, RAM56 2 years ago
The long term experiment with amendments and mineral & organic fertilisation a year ago
The long-term experiment with farmyard manure and mineral fertilisation a year ago
The long-term experiment with nitrogen and phosphorus fertilisation a year ago
The long-term experiment with nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium fertilisation a year ago
The soil biology experiment, R3-0130 a year ago
Thyrow Endurance Field Experiments: Fertilization and irrigation experiment "Intensity Test" 3 years ago
Thyrow Endurance Field Experiments: Soil fertility experiment 3 years ago
Thyrow Endurance Field Experiments: Static crop rotation and straw fertilization test 3 years ago
Thyrow Endurance Field Experiments: Static nutrient deficiency test 3 years ago
Tillage and phosphorus fertilization on maize-soybean rotation (Gral Villegas - Argentina) 3 years ago
Tillage for Soybean & Wheat Productivity CIRAA 3 years ago
Tillage in cropping systems in the semiarid region of Argentina (Manfredi - Argentina) 3 years ago
Tillage systems (Parana - Argentina) 3 years ago
Tillage systems in SE Buenos Aires (Balcarce - Argentina) 3 years ago
Tillage systems trial C1 3 years ago
Tomejil Long-term Tillage Experiment 3 years ago
Treated and untread cattle slurry application on grassland 2 years ago
University of Pretoria long-term maize and wheat trial 2 years ago
Vegetable, fruit and garden waste compost Boutersem, Belgium 2 years ago
Veld Fertilization Experiment 3 years ago
Waite Permanent Rotation Trial 3 years ago
Westsik’s crop rotation long-term experiment 7 months ago
Wheat/ Soybean under different tillage systems (Marcos Juarez - Argentina) 3 years ago
Wiesengut Biodynamic Long-term Experiment 2 years ago
Winchmore long-term fertiliser trial 4 years ago
Woburn Amounts of Straw a year ago
Woburn Continuous Barley 2 years ago
Woburn Continuous Maize 2 years ago
Woburn Continuous Wheat 2 years ago
Woburn Erosion Reference Experiment 2 months ago
Woburn Intensive cereals 2 years ago
Woburn Ley Arable 8 months ago
Woburn Market Garden 3 years ago
Woburn Organic Manuring 2 years ago
Woburn long-term liming experiment 2 years ago
Woodslee Tile Run-off Rotation Experiment 3 years ago
Wooster Long-term Tillage Experiment 2 years ago
Yachenka Long-term Experiment 3 years ago
Yamagata Long-term Experiment 3 years ago
Yawara Long-Term Fertilizer Experiment 3 years ago
Çukurova long-term Phosphorus Experiment 2 years ago
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