Lime and phosphorus, R3-1001-1941

Local identifier
R3-1001, R-27-1941
Years operational
To study the interactions between liming and phosphorus plant-availability, and to study the effect of long-term phosphorus addition on soil and crops.
This experiment have a three-factor split-split plot design with two field replicates. The three tested factors are i) limed or not limed at start, ii) limed or not limed again (in 1974), and iii) different levels of phosphorus addition, as described in Table 1. Phosphorus fertilizer is applied either as super phosphate (P20) or in the period 1941-2021) as Thomas phosphate, a byproduct of iron mining. Since 2022 Thomas phosphate is replaced with super phosphate (P20). Crop samples are collected every year, and top soil samples are collected every 6th year. Crop rotation and application of mineral fertilizers (excluding phosphorus) follow the management of the field where the experimental plots are located, and are not detailed in the experimental plan.
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Available to any researcher on request
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Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences
research organisation
Dr Sabina Braun
experiment manager
Soil and Envirionment

Site: Lanna research station

research station field
Local code
Västra Götaland
Geographic location
58.352226, 13.127418
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Soil description
Uderic Haploboroll (USDA)

Design period: (1941—)

Design Type
Split split plot
In 2021 the treatment using Thomas phosphate was discontinued. Instead these plots now receive the same amount of P in the form of super phosphate. During the first ~15 years the crop rotation was fixed (7 years) and consisted of winter wheat, peas, spring cereals, ley I, ley II, spring cereals, and fallow. Since the late 1950s the crop rotation has been only cereals and oil seeds and occasional fallow, and not fixed in the experimental plan. No manure had been added since the late 1950s. The experiment is plowed once per year down to 20 cm depth, plant residues are left on field.
Design description
Large block: liming at start yes/no Split 1: Re-liming in 1974 yes/no Split 2: P level. 1= no P, 2= 17.5 kg super-phosphate yearly, 3=105 kg/ha super-phosphate every 6th year, 4=17.5 kg Thomas-phosphate yearly, 5=105 kg/ha Thomas-phosphate every 6th year,
Number of plots
Number of subplots
Number of replicates
Number of harvests per year
CropYears grown
winter wheat
spring oats
spring barley
spring rapeseed
spring wheat
bare fallow
grass clover leys
Factor name
Factor levels
liming exposure
Liming event I  (6000 kg/ha)
Application frequency: one time
Chemical form: calcium oxide
The equivalent of 6000 kg CaO/ha was added as a mixture of burnt and slaked lime.
Liming event II  (6000 kg/ha)
Application frequency: one time
Chemical form: calcium oxide
The equivalent of 6000 kg CaO/ha was added as a mixture of burnt and slaked lime.
no liming
phosphate fertilizer exposure
P0  (0 )
No P
superphosphate 1  (17.5 kgP/ha)
Application frequency: annually
Chemical form: triple superphosphate
Triple superphosphate corresponding to 17.5 kg P per hectare, added every year
superphosphate 2  (105 kgP/ha)
Application frequency: every 6th year
Chemical form: triple superphosphate
Triple superphosphate corresponding to 105 kg P per hectare, added every 6th year
Thomas phosphate 1  (17.5 kgP/ha)
Application frequency: annually
Chemical form: thomas phosphate
Thomas phosphate (a byproduct from steel production, contains about 4 % P) corresponding to 17.5 kg P per hectare, added yearly
Thomas phosphate 2  (105 kgP/ha)
Application frequency: every 6th year
Chemical form: thomas phosphate
Triple superphosphate corresponding to 105 kg P per hectare, added every 6th year
phosphorous contentAll cropsannually
soil pHSoilevery 6th year
plant available phosphorousSoilevery 6th yearAmmonium acetate lactate extraction
potassium contentSoilevery 6th yearAmmonium acetate lactate extraction
calcium contentNot specifiedevery 6th yearAmmonium acetate lactate extraction
magnesium contentSoilevery 6th yearAmmonium acetate lactate extraction

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