Permanent liming, R3-1002, Röbäcksdalen

Local identifier
Years operational
The long-term development in soil organic matter and crop yields is tested by different regimes regarding liming, nutrient addition, and handling of crop residues. The liming treatments consists of no liming, liming to 70 % base saturation, and liming to 100 % base saturation. The nutrient treatments consists of three levels of NPK addition, and the crop residues are either removed or left in field.
Only one experiment remains of the original seven in the permanent liming experimental series. It was started in 1962 and is located at Röbäcksdalen, in the north of Sweden. The experiment is organized as a three-factor split-split plot design where three levels of liming are tested together with three levels of phosphorus and potassium additions, and with plant residues being either removed or left on the field. This gives a total of 18 different treatment combinations, as specified in Table 9. All treatment combinations are replicated three times in the field. The removal of phosphorus and potassium at harvest is calculated for each four-year period, and the removed amount is replaced as mineral fertilizer at the levels described in Table 10. Nitrogen levels are tied to the PK level and to the crop type (see Table 3). Liming is performed every four years, to maintain a desired base saturation. This experiment has no set crop rotation, and follows the rotation of the field in which the experimental plots are located. Crop samples are taken every year, top soil samples every 4th year. Only mineral fertilizers are used.
Data Access Statement
Available to any researcher on request
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The Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences
research organisation
Dr. Sabina Braun
experiment manager
Soil and Environment

Site: Röbäcksdalen

Geographic location
63.8099, 20.2327
© OpenStreetMap contributors
10 Metres
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Design period:

Design Type
Split split plot
Only one experiment remains of the original seven in the permanent liming experimental series. It was started in 1962 and is located at Röbäcksdalen, in the north of Sweden. The experiment is organized as a three-factor split-split plot design where three levels of liming are tested together with three levels of phosphorus and potassium additions, and with plant residues being either removed or left on the field. This gives a total of 18 different treatment combinations. All treatment combinations are replicated three times in the field. The removal of phosphorus and potassium at harvest is calculated for each four-year period, and the removed amount is replaced as mineral fertilizer at the levels described under "Factors". The PK dose is divided into two parts, meaning that PK fertilizer is added to the soil every second year. Nitrogen levels are tied to the PK level and to the crop type. Liming is performed every four years, to maintain a desired base saturation. This experiment has no set crop rotation, and follows the rotation of the field in which the experimental plots are located. Crop samples are taken every year, top soil samples every 4th year. Only mineral fertilizers are used.
Number of replicates
CropYears grown
Factor name
Factor levels
liming exposure
No liming, liming to 70 % base saturation, and liming to 100 % base saturation.
no liming
70% base saturation
100% base saturation
crop residue management process
crop residues removed
Crop residues left on field
Phosphorus and potassium
"Replacement" is calculated as equal to the amount of phosphorus and potassium removed by harvest during a four-year period.
Half replacement of P and K
Full replacement of P and K
Double replacement of P and K

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