soil pH | Soil | N/A | annually | | bulk soil measurements to 20 cm depth from 350 GPS grid locations across the site in March every year |
soil organic matter | Soil | mg/kg | annually | | bulk soil measurements to 20 cm depth from 350 GPS grid locations across the site in March every year |
soil total carbon | Not specified | % | annually | | Elemental Analyser on 350 GPS bulk soil samples collected in March |
total soil nitrogen | Not specified | % | annually | | Elemental Analyser on 350 GPS bulk soil samples collected in March |
soil plant nutrients | Not specified | mg/kg | annually | | P, K, ,Mg, Ca, Mo, S, Mn, Cu, Bo, Zn, Fe, Na, CEC from bulk soil measurements to 20 cm depth at 350 GPS grid locations across the site in March every year |
weed seedbank | Not specified | count | annually | | Glasshouse emergence method used on bulk soil samples collected from 350 GPS locations across the 6 fields to give number of viable seeds per species |
yield | Not specified | count | annually | | Crop yield maps gathered from the combine for all crops except potatoes. |
pollinators | Not specified | count | 3 times a year | | Transect walks to record bees and butterflies foraging within the crop and in field margins; coloured pan traps in the crops to sample all pollinating insects flying between 10 am and 4 pm on the day of sampling. |
earthworms | Not specified | count | twice a year | | Number of individuals per species (adults only) and total number of juveniles sampled in each half field in the spring (April/May) and autumn (August/September) |
litter decomposition | Not specified | rate | annually | | Estimated as the change in weight of tea bags buried in the spring (April/May) and collected after crop harvest (August/September). Rate of decomposition reflects microbial activity. |
Greenhouse Gas Emissions | Not specified | ppm | 5 times a year | | Cover boxes are sealed and collected gas is then analysed for NH4, NO3 and CH4 approximately once a month through the cropping season. Nitrates in soil water are monitored at the same time in the same locations using ceramic cup lysimeters and data are used to estimate N budgets. |
financial margins | Not specified | Sterling | annual | | All input costs (agrochemicals and seed) plus tractor time and fuel use are recorded and use alongside crop yield/sale prices to estimate gross financial margins of the two cropping systems |